Strange Growth of the Kalanchoe Marmorata | Green Patches - Mediterranean Gardening

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strange Growth of the Kalanchoe Marmorata

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The Kalanchoe Marmorata is supposed to grow in small bunches with a wooden stem in the middle.  In fact the original plant where I got the cutting from was in a square container full of lovely speckled leaves.

Kalanchoe Marmorata
Original Plant where I got the cutting from

My Kalanchoe however, decided to take a different route, upwards!  Instead of growing a new stem from the bottom as I had expected it to, it started growing longer with sets of two leaves going up along the stem.  You can still see the wooden stem at the bottom, however this picture is totally different from the one above.

Kalanchoe Marmorata
My Penwiper with support

I've had to put in a bamboo stick for support as it bent downwards completely due to the recent rain storms we've had.  As you can see at the tip it looks like it's blooming.  I really don't know what to expect from this plant, it gets full to partial shade but lots of bright light during the day.  I wonder if it's trying to reach up towards the sun.  I hope I get some beautiful flowers I can show you, fingers crossed.

Kalanchoe Marmorata
Looks like flowers will bloom


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